MassResistance Receives Negative Encouragement for Pride Flag Stoppage

You can tell you’re being effective by the hysterical reaction of the mainstream media and leftist politicians.

Last week, MassResistance reported that pressure from its California chapter in Downey, a suburb of Los Angeles, made the city council derail its annual “pride flag” requirement.

For the previous three years, the city council had required all city buildings to fly the “pride flag” during “gay pride month” in June. But this year, the council backed down to outraged citizens and passed a “neutral flag” policy declaring that only government flags could fly at city buildings.

To the average person, this makes perfect sense. Why should the government require any entities to raise a flag that represents an anti-Christian movement that promotes unhealthy and destructive behavior? But the LGBT movement and its allies were furious. They insisted that the public must be forced to accept and accommodate their symbol. No level of disagreement is acceptable.

So almost immediately, MassResistance was attacked by leftist media, politicians, and LGBT groups across Southern California. Attacks even came from as far away as Florida and the United Kingdom.

When Mainstream Media Attacks

Mainstream media outlets have abandoned any pretense of objectivity on the “LGBT rights” issue. They vigorously portray homosexuals and transgender people as victims (never aggressors!), and anyone who disagrees with that is deemed a bigot. A favorite hammer is the phony “hate group” label from the universally discredited Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a scam leftist reporters have used to smear numerous conservative organizations.

Here’s a sample of the leftist outrage against MassResistance in the days following the Downey City Council vote from media

The Los Angeles Times attack MassResistance in a one-sided article in which neither the group nor Downey citizens were asked present their side.

AOL and Yahoo! News-UK both reprinted the Los Angeles Times article

NBC News – Los Angeles used an extended quote from Downey’s homosexual mayor claiming MassResistance is a “hate group,” but also included a quote from Arthur Schaper of MassResistance, explaining how local citizens felt about the issue. VIDEO: NBC News report (2 min 37 sec)

ABC News – Los Angeles. This was probably the least biased report. It gave both sides, including an interview with Schaper. VIDEO: ABC News report (2 min 6 sec)

Los Cerritos News ran “City of Downey Bans LGBTQ+ Pride Flag.” This publication serving Los Angeles’s southern suburbs labeled Schaper “a right-wing activist” who trafficks in lies and “homophobic actions.”

The Downey Patriot published three articles on the same day:

Downey votes to no longer fly Pride flag in June.” This report labels MassResistance a “hate group,” but does not include quotes from local MassResistance citizens in defense of their position.

LGBTQ+ elected officials express ‘profound disappointment’ with Downey” quotes Los Angeles County Assessor Jeff Prang saying, “This is a flag that symbolizes hope, freedom and unity … we are deeply disappointed but also incredibly surprised.”

An editorial titled, “Downey goes backwards by banning Pride flag” opines: “Instead of fostering inclusivity and celebrating diversity, they’re choosing to sow seeds of division. Instead of promoting unity and acceptance, they’re widening the gap between different groups within the city.”


Local politicians also had plenty to say about the matter.

Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn wailed about her disappointment in an Instagram post. “I worry about the message it sends to LGBTQ+ residents.”

State Assemblywoman Blanca Pancheco said on Instagram that mandating the “pride flag” (but not other flags) embraces diversity.

Congressman Robert Garcia (who represents Downey and is openly homosexual) posted a statement on Instagram calling the move “a step backwards.”

Congresswoman Linda Sanchez (who doesn’t represent Downey) sent out a press release calling it “a petty decision.”

LGBT “Media”

Of course, the gay media covered the issue from their own perspective, including the Los Angeles Blade running “City of Downey bans Pride Flag, Mayor labels it attack on LGBTQ+” Out South Florida reprinted the Los Angeles Blade article.

Most pro-family groups try to avoid being called nasty names by the Left. Staying “clean” and respectful makes it easier to raise money – but it doesn’t get the job done.

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The “culture war” is a very nasty battle. The hypocrisy of the media and the leftist politicians is front and center. Black Lives Matter and Antifa burned Bibles, spewed hate, threw bottles of urine at police, burned down a Minneapolis police precinct, and caused terrible damage across the country. The current Hamas supporters call for the murder of Jews. But according to the media and the corrupt Southern Poverty Law Center, they are simply “protesters.”

Yet the same media shamelessly demonizes a group of local parents and citizens who pose no danger to anyone. MassResistance refuses to allow anyone to intimidate them.

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1 Response to

  1. Editoralteam says:

    Here we go again: this “pride month” is nothing more than bull shit and the gay mafia knows it. They are so proud they demand everyone go along with their delusional ideas. One day… day.


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